For many parents, the terms ‘tongue tie’ and ‘oral motor deficits’ can be sources of concern and confusion. Understanding these conditions is crucial for recognising potential issues in your child’s speech and feeding development, and for seeking appropriate intervention.

What is a Tongue Tie?

A tongue tie, or ankyloglossia, occurs when the strip of skin under a baby’s tongue (the lingual frenulum) is shorter than usual. This can restrict the tongue’s range of motion, potentially affecting feeding, speech, and oral hygiene.

Identifying Oral Motor Deficits

Oral motor deficits refer to difficulties in using the lips, tongue, and jaw. These challenges can impact a child’s ability to speak, eat, swallow, and sometimes breathe properly.

Signs to Watch For

In children with tongue ties or oral motor deficits, parents might notice:

Early detection and intervention are key. The sooner these conditions are addressed, the better the outcomes for speech and feeding development.

At LEAP Centre, we have a team of speech therapists experienced in assessing and treating tongue ties and oral motor deficits. Understanding tongue ties and oral motor deficits is the first step towards addressing these challenges. With the right intervention and support, children can overcome these obstacles and develop effective speech and feeding skills. If you suspect your child might be facing these issues, our team at LEAP Centre is here to guide you through the assessment and intervention process.